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If you have any suggestions about the book, or you have faced any mistakes in the book, please send them to the following email:
Chapter 0: Introduction to Computing
Chapter 0: Introduction to Computing
Chapter 1: The AVR Micro-controller: History and Features
Power Point: Introduction to AVR
Additional Resources:
AVR and AVR32 Quick Reference Guide Microchip download link
Chapter 2: AVR Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
Assembly Programming in Atmel Studio 7.0 (step by step tutorial)
Assembly programming in MPLAB X (step by step tutorial)
Chapter 3: Branch, Call, and Time Delay Loop
Chapter 4: AVR I/O Port Programming
Appendix C: IC Interfacing and System Design Issues
AVR Simulation in SimulIDE Step by Step Tutorial (Case Study)
Chapter 5: Arithmetic, Logic Instructions, and Programs
Chapter 6: AVR Advanced Assembly Language Programming
Lab: Arithmetic instructions & BCD
Lab: Logic instructions & Bit Manipulation
Chapter 7: AVR Programming in C
C programming in Atmel Studio 7 step by step tutorial
Chapter 8: AVR Hardware Connection, Hex File, and Flash Loaders
Using Arduino Boards in Atmel Studio 7
Appendix F: ATmega328 Fuse Bits
AVR Simulation in SimulIDE Step by Step Tutorial
Extra Resources (Case Study):
AVR Hardware Design Considerations
Chapter 9: AVR Timer Programming in Assembly and C
Chapter 10: AVR Interrupt Programming in Assembly and C
Chapter 11: AVR Serial Port Programming in Assembly and C
Simulating the AVR UART in SimulIDE
Chapter 12: LCD and Keyboard Interfacing
Simulation: LCD Simulation in SimulIDE
Simulation: Keypad Simulation in SimulIDE
Chapter 13: ADC, DAC, and Sensor Interfacing
Simulation: ADC simulation in SimulIDE
Chapter 14: Relay, Optoisolator, and Stepper Motor Interfacing with AVR
Chapter 15: Input Capture and Wave Generation in AVR
Lab: Measuring duty cycle & Frequency using Capturing
Simulation: Using Oscope in SimulIDE to Monitor Waves
Chapter 16: PWM Programming and DC Motor Control in AVR
Simulation: DC-motor and PWM Simulation in SimulIDE
Chapter 17: SPI Protocol and MAX7221 Display Interfacing
Chapter 18: I2C Protocol and DS1307 RTC Interfacing
Appendix A: ASCII Codes
Appendix B: AVR Instructions Explained
Appendix C: IC Interfacing and System Design Issues
Appendix C: IC Interfacing and System Design Issues
Appendix D: Flowcharts and Pseudocode
Appendix E: Basics of Wire Wrapping
Appendix F: ATmega328 Fuse Bits
Appendix F: ATmega328 Fuse Bits
Appendix G: AVR Primer for 8051 Programmers
Appendix G: AVR Primer for 8051 Programmers
Appendix H: Graphic LCDs
Appendix I: Passing Arguments into Functions
Appendix I: Passing Argument into Functions
Mixing Assembly and C (Atmel doc42055)